Let $X$ and $Y$ each be a D11: Set.
The set of surjections from $X$ to $Y$ is the D11: Set
\mathsf{Sur}(X \to Y) : = \{ f \mid f : X \to Y \text{ is a surjection} \}
▼ | Set of symbols |
▼ | Alphabet |
▼ | Deduction system |
▼ | Theory |
▼ | Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory |
▼ | Set |
▼ | Binary cartesian set product |
▼ | Binary relation |
▼ | Map |
▼ | Surjective map |
▶ |
Convention 0
(Notation for set of surjections)
Let $X$ and $Y$ each be a D11: Set. We denote the D2223: Set of surjections from $X$ to $Y$ by $\mathsf{Sur}(X \to Y)$.